Manifold Systems
Courtesy of Choppinlow and Kickstarter
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Home Made 1-4 POSA Clone With Flat Slide Injector
(Photos Courtesy of Choppinlow)


Posa 1-4 With Flat Slide Injector
(Photos Courtesy of Choppinlow)

Posa Dual 1-2 With Flat Slide Injectors
(Photos Courtesy of Choppinlow)

Posa 2-4 With Mikuni Round Slide Carbs
(Photos Courtesy of Choppinlow)



Weber Duals 4-4
(Photos Courtesy of Choppinlow)


1-4 POSA Intake Manifold
(Photos Courtesy of Kickstarter)


POSA Flat Slide Injector
(Photos Courtesy of Kickstarter)

4-4 MPD Intake Manifold
(Photos Courtesy of Kickstarter)

4-4 Mikuni 4-4 with Branch Air Cleaner
(Photos Courtesy of Kickstarter)


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